The Crescent Burial Service
Burial is often seen as the traditional way to lay someone to rest.
In the recent past a family has often had connection to a family Grave or a particular church or village community and therefore keeping the remains of their loved one locally to their home has brought much comfort.
With Local Authorities also offering Cemeteries with different memorial options, a more personalised burial is now offered. A burial service will commonly be divided into two parts, the traditional church or chapel service, followed by the committal of the loved one to the grave, carried out at the graveside. As with all services, you have the choice as to what you would like to happen.
Some may choose burial as a more natural option, allowing the grave to become a spot that promotes new birth and encouraging to nature. There is the common perception that burial is a more expensive option. Whilst this can be the case, it does depend on factors such as the burial location and whether there is an existing burial plot.
The Crescent Burial service provides all aspects of the service that is required and includes:
All services of the Funeral Director and staff, up to and including the day of the service
Provision of our Hearse to convey your loved on to the Funeral Service
Four Coffin Bearers
Use of our Dedicated Chapel of Rest
A full list of attendees taken and provided for your records
Online Obituary entry
Aftercare and advice from SAIFCare
Collection and Administration of Charitable Donations
Cost of The Crescent Burial Service – £1,900 00
plus third party fees and cost of your coffin choice
Additional third-party fees are payable in relation to those charged by the individual burial ground/cemetery. Please contact us for more specifc information or discuss with us at the Funeral arrangement. A Minister or Celebrant, if required, has a typical charge of £227, but is dependent on the particular individual. A range of available coffins and prices can be found on our coffin choice page.
For example, for a grave at Taunton Deane Wellington New Road Cemetery, fees for a 75 year lease on a new grave plot, grave preparation for double depth and 40 minute chapel time in the Crematorium Chapel will incur an additional fee of £2536.00
We require that specific third-party costs (also known as disbursements) are paid at last 72 hours in advance of the proposed funeral ceremony date. These costs include those charged by the cremation or burial authority and by the person you have asked us to lead the service i.e. minister or celebrant. As your funeral director, we are required to make payment for these, on your behalf, either before the proposed ceremony date, or within 5 working days thereafter. We provide a £100 reduction of our fees for a funeral account that is paid in full 72 hours before the service ceremony takes place. Further information regarding payments will be provided at the time of arrangement.
Services such as Floral tributes are very personal choices that a family can make and is why we do not include them in our inclusive services above.
From a single red rose to an elaborate coffin spray, we are here to guide you through these decisions, helping you to create a service as unique as your loved one.
Please complete our Contact Us Form to ask us for more information about these services, including examples and associated cost.